Thursday, October 24, 2013
After much research, the children planned a schedule of
events to represent the week of Olympic
The champions were presented with an olive leaf crown in assembly.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
The week ahead
Of course we're all looking forward to our Ancient Greek Olympics day on Thursday. The children have planned the day and we're looking forward to seeing their costumes on the day
Linking in with this,the children will be making 'Horrible Histories' style comedy sketches in Literacy. This is part of the play scripts genre. We will be filming the sketches to use as part of our class assembly.
The success criteria are as follows:
script includes a cast list at the start.
has a narrator.
speakers’ names are on the left.
have not used speech marks.
started a new line for each new speech.
play script has scenes.
wrote stage directions in brackets.
used adverbs and powerful verbs.
Maths. This week we will be using our knowledge of place value to speed up our mental addition and subtraction.
Congratulations to the children who climbed up a bit higher up tables mountain last week. Who will be climbing this week?
The success criteria are:
Add or subtract 1s, 10s or 100s to a 3-digit number, without crossing
the tens or hundreds boundary
Add a near multiple of 10 to a 2-digit
number e.g. 35+29(30)
Add a near multiple of 10 or 100 to a 3-digit number without crossing
the tens or hundreds boundary.
Subtract a near multiple of 10 or 100 from a 3-digit number without
crossing the tens or hundreds boundary..
Decide on the most efficient mental
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Anthony Jinman, arctic explorer got a very warm welcome when he visited. Unfortunately, this will be the last time he's warm as he sets off to walk ,unaided, to the South Pole. We will be following his progress as he uploads to his blog. The children tried on expedition equipment, learnt about glaciers and the wildlife of the Antarctic.
This week's marking ladder for Literacy.
on a Common Theme
I used an expanded noun phrase
Eg The slightly curling petals of the flower
I have kept to a rhyme pattern using sensible rhymes
My verbs are powerful
My adjectives are strong
I used alliteration
I used similes
This week's success criteria for maths.
Marking /success criteria.
Use place value to add or subtract 4-digit numbers;
Add and subtract 1, 10, 100, 1000 to and from 4-digit numbers.
Say what each digit represents in a 4-digit
Write place value related additions eg 345+
30(only the tens change)
Write place value related additions and
subtractions eg 345-30
Use place value to find which numbers have
been added or subtracted eg 345 - ? = 325
Use this knowledge
to add and subtract 1 and 1000 eg 4567-1001
Use this knowledge
to add and subtract 10 and 100 eg 4567-32
Saturday, October 5, 2013
This week's success criteria for Maths.
Objective:Double two-digit and three-digit
numbers using partitioning; Halve two-digit and three-digit numbers using
partitioning; Know 3, 4, 6, 8 times tables and associated division facts
I can double and halve all numbers to 10
I can double and halve all numbers to 20
I can double and halve 2 digit numbers using partitioning 24 - 20 + 4
. / \
10 + 2
= 12
I can double and halve 3 digit numbers using partitioning.
I can double the 4x
to get 8x and double 3x to get 6x.
I can give a division
fact for 3,
4, 5, 6 and 8 times tables 3x6=18 so 18/6=3
The children are busy climbing Tables Mountain (See their homework and ask them for details).
Literacy: Our new genre is Poetry. This week we will be learning how to use a selection of poems to explore how to create images using words.
The children
will find and use adjectives and adjective phrases (eg ‘the really slimy
worm’) to convert a poem to prose.
will use their voice to add excitement to a poem performance and, next week,
compose poems using the themes of animals & weather.
Creative Curriculum: In our time travellers topic we will be learning about the Ancient Olympic Games and planning our own event.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Today marked the end of our Literacy lessons focused on Instruction writing. Our Guided Reading has involved the use of recipes and we created recipes for Rocky Road. Of course that was a great excuse to make some (yummee!).
This week we have switched our attention to designing an Ancient Greece board game and making rules for how to play it. The children wrote some great instructions using bossy verbs they'd practised for their spelling test. Of course the best bit was playing the games. cheating!
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