Tuesday, December 31, 2013

How to engage with Antony over Christmas

Whilst we are all getting in the festive spirit here at home, Antony will still be alone on the ice, so we would like to encourage you and your pupils to keep in touch with Antony throughout the Christmas holidays. Students can engage with Antony over the Christmas holiday using the login details we have provided for you and sending their Christmas wishes to him using the discussion boards and comments on his blog. 

Remember you can keep up to date with Antony's journey so far by visiting Antony's Blog and Pictures on www.eteteachers.org,

Click on Antony's blog on the South Pole profile or listen to Antony's daily audio blog podcast at http://www.ipadio.com/broadcasts/AntonyJinman.
Antony's route can also be tracked via: https://share.delorme.com/southpoleexpedition2013

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Rock and Roll Christmas.

The children are rehearsing hard for our KS2 Christmas production. Have you got your tickets yet?

Science Challenge

The children were faced with the question


Having looked at a template they then tried to improve on it with their own designs.

We then had great fun launching them off our stairwell.
Ready to launch.

Class champion

Landing Assembly

The cast of our assembly presentation.
This week we finished our topic on the Ancient Greeks, with a presentation of some of our Horrible Histories play scripts, in the topic 'Landing' assembly.Dr Who visited us again and this time we were able to tell him all about the Ancient Greek Olympics.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


These are the outcomes for this week’s Literacy genre on information writing.

1. Distinguish between fiction and non-fiction books.
2. Discuss and identify features of non-chronological reports.
1. Identify nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.
2. Classify words in sentences.
3. Recognise simple, compound and complex sentences.
1. Brainstorm a list of informal words.
2. Rewrite an informal report changing it to 3rd person and present tense.
1. Add suffixes to words using spelling rules.
2. Use dictionaries to check words are not made-up.

1. Research information for a report using books and the internet.
2. Make notes.
3. Plan heading and sub-headings.

This week’s Maths success criteria

Marking /success criteria.
Know the 3,4,6 and 8 x and divides;
Use efficient methods to divide numbers just beyond the tables, including remainders.

Know the 3, 4, 6 and 8 x
Know the 3, 4, 6 and 8 divides
Understand that multiplication is the opposite of division.
Divide by 3, 4 and find a remainder
Divide by 6 and 8 and find a remainder
Use the most efficient division method to divide numbers just beyond 10x tables knowledge