Saturday, March 23, 2013

Lister dance festival.

                                         Living la vida loca.

We were 'living the crazy life' this week with our entry in the Lister dance festival . Magnifica!
The 'Titch theatre company' took us on a whistle-stop tour through two millennia.
From Cleopatra to Columbus: the 'History Mystery  ' was a fun and entertaining trip.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Red Nose Day


Thank you for all your donations for RED NOSE DAY.
We danced like crazy for comic relief!

Instruction writing

      Sensational Sombreros.

A 'Blue Peter' style demonstration , by Mrs White, was followed by the children using their instructional writing skills. The challenge was to create a step-by-step set of instructions  using power point. The children successfully wrote short, clear instructions to accompany photographs. They all remembered their BOSSY VERBS.
In the afternoon they made their sensational sombreros topped off with a Mexican flag.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

New learning.

As part of World Book Day the children learnt how to use different types of questions.Dressed as their favourite book characters, the children began with a SPEED QUESTION session. They used mainly CLOSED questions at this point. Questions like;


The next activity encouraged children to use OPEN questions. Children formed a panel to interview for the post of school caretaker.Each panel consisted of a chairperson,a scribe and a questioner. The last person became the interviewee and,in the role of their book character,they went to another group to be interviewed.
Roles were rotated round every few minutes(apart from the chairperson, who kept control of each panel.)

The children now used more OPEN questions like;


The interviewees were scored by each panel and the group made a final decision on who got the job.

At the end of the lesson children demonstrated their learning by evaluating and ordering the questions as to how useful they had been for finding out information.
Finally children demonstrated their understanding and new learning from the lesson by placing their name on a post-it on the LEARNING LINE (See photo above.) Most of the class showed good understanding. 3 children placed their names on the amber line but all were able to give me an example of an open and closed question.

Additionally to the main learning focus,the children were reasoning and speaking clearly. It provided a positive example of our COOPERATION focus in PSHE.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

World Book Day.

What book are you reading?

Take a look at this great website to celebrate the day.

We have been enjoying the books of Jeremy Strong. How does he make people laugh?


Do you ever get stuck when you’re writing a story? Don’t know where to start – or end for that matter!, not sure how to make your readers laugh, need to cut it down but don’t know what to cut? Getting stuck will be a thing of the past, because STORYCRAFT is here! Learn to write and illustrate stories like a Pro with our 10 brilliant authors and illustrators who have shared their top tips on writing and creating illustrations for stories, just for you.