Maths Place value:success criteria
Place 3-digit numbers on a 0–1000
line with 100s marked with some degree of accuracy.
Order three 3-digit numbers using place
Understand that when we divide by
10, digits shift one place to the right.
Understand that when we multiply
by 10, digits shift one place to the left.
Understand what each digit
represents in a number with one decimal place. Place 1-place decimals on a number line.
Recognise decimal and fraction
forms of tenths.
Order at least 10 numbers with 1 decimal place.
Genre:Newspapers ( 2weeks)
My introduction sets the scene
with the five Ws;
Where? Why? Who? What? When?
I have recounted events in
chronological order
My closing statement brings the
writing to a conclusion
It is in the past tense
I have used the third person
I have linked paragraphs using
time connectives
I have joined simple sentences to create compound
I have used commas appropriately between clauses.
This week we will be
starting a block of Science learning
with ‘Hot and Cold’.
This module will ask the children to
measure temperature
and investigate thermal properties.
Our creative
curriculum topic is entitled ‘Let me entertain
You’. Our class focus
will be on communication. A detailed topic
Web will be sent home
next week.