Saturday, November 16, 2013

Week beginning 18-11-13

What will we be learning this week?
Use grid method to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number;
Use efficient methods to divide numbers just beyond the tables, including remainders.

Know the 3 and 4x
Know the 3 and 4 divides
Understand that multiplication is the opposite of division e.g. 6x 4 = 24 so 24 ÷ 4 = 6
Use grid method to multiply TU x U.

Divide by 5 and find a remainder.

Use the most efficient division method.
Children could practise here

In Literacy, we will continue with writing our Greek myths (See last week for marking scheme and useful websites). We will be focussing on using paragraphs and writing fabulous descriptions.

In History we will be planning our Greek museum ready for Wednesday 27th November.

This week is also anti-bullying week. We will be focussing on cyber bulling. This would be a good opportunity to discuss these issues at home. See this site for details 

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