Saturday, September 14, 2013



Literacy Success Criteria
This week, the children will write a story set in a familiar setting.
My story includes an introduction, build-up, climax, resolution and ending
I have used paragraphs
I have used the past tense
I have included effective but not unnecessary dialogue
I have used effective language including:
·         powerful
·         adverbs
·         strong adjectives
I have built up my characters using small details
I have described the setting

Maths Success Criteria

Mental addition and subtraction: Add pairs of two-digit numbers or three-digit numbers and two-digit numbers using place value or counting on; Subtract two-digit numbers from two-digit numbers and from numbers greater than 100 by counting back or counting up.

·       I can add 2 digit numbers using place value
·       I can use a number line to subtract 2 digit numbers
·       I can subtract a 2 digit number from 100 by using number bonds

·       I can add 3 digit numbers using place value.

·       I can subtract a 2 digit number from a 3 digit number by using place value.
·       I can  choose the most efficient method to solve addition and subtraction problems

Science  y3/4 Light
TASC Task -  Question – How do shadows change by the Earth spinning?
Make a short (2 minute) presentation to show to other children.
This is a competition .You score points between 1 to 3 points for each of the following:
1.  You answer the question.
2.  You have evidence to support your answer.
3.  You have a graph and describe what it shows.
4.  You demonstrate what is happening by acting or using models.
5.  You speak clearly to your audience.
6.  You work together as a team.

Score between 1 and 6 points for neatly writing up your work. (include your graph, photos and drawings)

If you complete all of the above you can score extra points by finding information about

Solar power and sun safety.

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